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onsdag den 31. oktober 2007

CSMD "Vs. The World" (Second Edition) just released on R.O.N.F. Records

CSMD "Vs. The World" (Second Edition) just released on R.O.N.F. Records

Repressing these dutch japanoisecore going ape collection to make it available again in a limited edition of 75 copies.Including stuff from a lot of CSMD releases such as Split ep w/ The Gerogerigegege, Split ep w/ Drunken Orgy Of Destruction, Split ep w/ Sloth, Split Tape w/ Pile Of Eggs, I'm Going Ape Comp. ep and some bits unreleased, if Crowd Surfers Must Die you Must Die Too!!! Get this for an unrepeatable experience of hominid grinding noisecore pleasure!

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